Sponsoring the DC House Project

To Donate:

There are still lots of work to be done in this exciting project. Every year we have many students conducting their senior projects and master's theses on various aspects of the DC House project. Your help in funding these student projects is greatly appreciated and can be done by clicking this link.

Thank YOU very much for our past sponsors for providing the funding for the DC Hose Project. 

Past Industry Sponsors:

  • Electronic Control Systems, San Diego, (Undisclosed amount)
  • Chevron, "Design of Portable Nanohydro Power Generator", $5k
  • Taufik, Hybrid AC/DC Power Controller for DC House, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), GridEd Program, $5k
  • Taufik, The DC House Project: A Sustainable Alternative to Rural Electrification
    R-IDC College of Engineering, Cal Poly, $5k
  • Taufik, Students: Nicole Gmerek, Thomas Lloyd, Reducing Residential Electrical Energy Consumption with Hybrid DC and AC Electrical System Using Multiple-Input Single-Output Power Converter, Summer 2017 College of Engineering Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP), $8k
  • A. Kean and Taufik,"Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter Development for Residential DC Electricity", California Energy Commission, $150k
  • Taufik, James Biggs, Andrew Aw, Portable Nanohydro Generator, Chevron, Amount: $5k

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